Our Chapter 2018 - 2019 Achievements
The Chapter was very proud to continue their support of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) by way of supporting local schools with their equipment needs. We also once again supported the St. Anthony’s Drayton Valley Mini-Shoot in February 2019 through the provision of trophies and medals for the youth participants.
We were also pleased to partner with the Kin Club as a sponsor for their Annual STARS Tournament. This provided us the opportunity to raise awareness of the SCI Drayton Valley Chapter. We were excited to be hosts to a hole in one; unfortunately, the prize was not awarded!
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and provide youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, our Chapter was once again pleased to host a youth hunter training course in April 2019 facilitated by our Hunter Training Chair, Everett Ness. The class of 6 students learned the basics of hunter education, survival, wildlife identification, first aid and hunting rules and regulations. In addition, we also sponsored four youth to attend the AHEIA Youth Hunter Training Camp.
On a provincial scale, the Big Horn Back Country was a primary focal point for our Chapter this past year. Representatives attended meetings and rallies to ensure a strong a united voice was heard in support of continued access to these natural areas.
The Chapter was also pleased to begin developing a relationship with the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists in collaboration with the Alberta Coalition of SCI Chapters.
Continued efforts also took place in strengthening the Alberta Coalition, consisting of our four Alberta SCI Chapters – Drayton Valley, Red Deer, Calgary and Badlands. The coalition focused efforts on the development of strategic and marketing plans providing a focused direction for Alberta Chapters in addressing provincial hunting challenges. One significant accomplishment to mention is that the SCI Alberta Coalition is pleased to now hold a seat on the AGMAG governing board to help guide the future of hunting within Alberta. The AGMAG is directly responsible for amendments to the hunting regulations and rules/regulations around the hunting draw system. In addition, the SCI Alberta Coalition this fall will be attending a meeting with Honorable Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment to discuss SCIs top five concerns and recommendations for consideration to affect change within our province in support of hunting.
Our Blue Bag Humanitarian Program was also well supported this year through the provision of one bag in partnership with Hearts for Lushoto. An additional two bags were also shared with a primary school within the Kwazulu Natal region of South Africa containing essential school supplies and venison delivered by the Mahan family.
Looking into the coming year, our Chapter is committed to sending additional youth to the AHEIA youth summer camp, and also partner with Cabela’s to support inner-city youth to attend as well. We will also continue to be deeply invested within our local NASP program in schools.
We are always open to suggestions from our membership as to focused projects that fall within our mandate. If you have an idea, please share it with us!

Our Chapter 2017 - 2018 Achievements
The fishing dock was once again enjoyed by numerous seniors from local care centres and surrounding communities.
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and providing our youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, Everett Ness - Hunter Training Chair, facilitated a youth hunter training course in April 2018. This class of 21 students learned the basics of hunter education, survival, wildlife identification, first aid and hunting rules and regulations. The SCI – Drayton Valley Chapter is thrilled to offer this course free of charge to children 17 years of age and under. If you have a child, or know of someone who may be interested in taking a future course, please contact Everett Ness at 780-542-0711.
The Drayton Valley Chapter of Safari Club International is very proud to continue their support of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP). Over the past year we maintained our current commitment to the program by way of supporting needed upgrades to current school participants kits. We also supported the St. Anthony’s Drayton Valley Mini-Shoot in February 2018 through the provision of trophies and medals for the youth participants. Drayton Valley SCI is extremely proud to be one of the most involved and recognized NASP communities in Alberta. Since its inception our Chapter has committed in excess of $175,000 toward the NASP program. It is our greatest hope that this program brings a new level of enjoyment to those students who may not have had the chance to shoot target archery, and that our local youth’s participation in the program may spark an enjoyment for the outdoors and all that it has to offer! Our goal is that this opportunity will impact children for years to come and raise awareness for Safari Club International and its educational efforts. The NASP Program is a great addition to our educational system and we hope it brings great enjoyment to all involved!
To you, our members and supporters we thank you for your many contributions. It is your commitment and support of the SCI Drayton Valley Chapter that has contributed to the accomplishments that have been achieved. If you are not yet a member of SCI, please do consider joining SCI tonight to help the only organization that will protect your freedom to hunt.

Our Chapter 2016 - 2017 Achievements
We continued with our commitment toward our primary humanitarian project; that being our Fishing Dock for seniors residing within care centres and individuals with disabilities. Our local Board and Chapter members have contributed in excess of 500 volunteer hours toward the operation and maintenance of the dock this year. Over the summer months we have been very fortunate to have a variety of user groups visit the dock, with some senior groups travelling from two hours away to visit the dock and enjoy the benefits it has to offer. In total this summer we have had over 150 individuals visit the dock!
In support of SCIFs missions on a global scale, our Chapter was extremely pleased to be involved in the delivery a Blue Bag this past year. This delivery was organized through our affiliation with Hearts of Lushoto, which is a local community organization we have partnered with for a number of years. This blue bag delivery resulted in the provision of essential education materials for the village school and a laptop for their educator.
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and providing our youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, we facilitated a youth hunter training program in May 2017 within our community of Drayton Valley free of charge to youth 17 years of age and under, with 6 youth and 3 adult participants.
The Drayton Valley Chapter of Safari Club International is very proud to continue their support of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP). Over the past year we maintained our current commitment to the program by way of supporting needed upgrades to current school participants kits. We also supported the St. Anthony’s Drayton Valley Mini-Shoot through the provision of trophies and medals for the youth participants. Of significant mention is our involvement in the coordination of the 2017 NASP Provincial Shoot right here in Drayton Valley in partnership with the Brazeau Bowbenders and AHEIA. This shoot saw over 1000+ youth archers participate in the 4 day event held within the WellHouse Supply building. It was an amazing event! Drayton Valley is extremely proud to be one of the most involved and recognized NASP communities in Alberta. Since its inception our Chapter has committed in excess of $150,000 toward the NASP program. It is our greatest hope that this program brings a new level of enjoyment to those students who may not have had the chance to shoot target archery, and that our local youth’s participation in the program may spark an enjoyment for the outdoors and all that it has to offer! Our goal is that this opportunity will impact children for years to come and raise awareness for Safari Club International and its educational efforts. The NASP Program is a great addition to our educational system and we hope it brings great enjoyment to all involved!
In partnership with other Alberta SCI Chapters we were also very proud to be a part of the Alberta Hunter Harvest initiative, supplying food banks and Alberta’s less fortunate with 8500 pounds of wild game venison.
Over the past year our conservation efforts have focused on the collaring of cougars within local WMUs to study their ranges and mortality levels. We also aided in the fight against the closure of grizzly bear hunting in British Columbia.
To you, our members and supporters we thank you for your many contributions. It is your commitment and support of the SCI Drayton Valley Chapter that has contributed to the accomplishments that have been achieved. If you are not yet a member of SCI, please do consider joining SCI tonight to help the only organization that will protect your freedom to hunt.

Our Chapter 2015 - 2016 Achievements
We continue our pride and commitment toward our major humanitarian project; our Fishing Dock for seniors residing within care centres and individuals with disabilities. Our local Board and Chapter members have contributed in excess of 800 volunteer hours toward the operation and maintenance of the dock this year. Over the summer months we have been very fortunate to have a variety of user groups visit the dock, with some seniors groups travelling from two hours away to visit our facility and enjoy the benefits it has to offer. In total this summer we have had over 200 individuals visit the dock!
In support of SCIFs mission on a global scale, our Chapter was one again extremely pleased to be involved in the delivery of numerous Blue Bags this past year to various third world countries.
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and providing our youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, we facilitated a youth hunter training program in April 2016 within our community of Drayton Valley. This program is free of charge to youth 12 to 17 years of age. This year we had 14 youth participants, 2 adults and 3 volunteers from our Board of Directors participate in the program.
The Drayton Valley Chapter of Safari Club International is very proud to continue their support of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP). Over the past year we maintained our current commitment to the program by way of supporting needed upgrades to current school participants kits. We also supported the St. Anthony’s Drayton Valley Mini-Shoot through the provision of trophies and medals for the youth participants. Of significant mention is our involvement in the coordination of the 2016 NASP Provincial Shoot right here in Drayton Valley in partnership with the Brazeau Bowbenders and AHEIA. This shoot saw over 1000+ youth archers participate in the 4 day event held within the WellHouse Supply building. This venue was provided to us through the generosity of Judy Sweet. It was an amazing event! Drayton Valley is extremely proud to be one of the most involved and recognized NASP communities in Alberta. Since its inception our Chapter has committed in excess of $110,000 toward the NASP program. It is our greatest hope that this program brings a new level of enjoyment to those students who may not have had the chance to shoot target archery, and that our local youth’s participation in the program may spark an enjoyment for the outdoors and all that it has to offer! Our goal is that this outdoor educational opportunity will impact children for years to come and raise awareness for Safari Club International and its educational efforts. The NASP Program is a great addition to our educational system and we hope it brings great enjoyment to all involved!
Over the past year our conservation efforts have focused on aiding Safari Club International in their endeavors toward science base conservation worldwide.
To you, our members and supporters we thank you for your many contributions. It is your commitment and support of the SCI Drayton Valley Chapter that has contributed to the accomplishments that have been achieved. If you are not yet a member of SCI, please do consider joining SCI tonight to help the only organization that will protect your freedom to hunt.

Our Chapter 2014 - 2015 Achievements
Through the 2014/2015 year the SCI – Drayton Valley Chapter experienced great successes and attained huge goals in support of SCI’s mission toward hunting conservation, education and humanitarian endeavors. One of our most memorable occasions was the privilege of being awarded the 2014 International Chapter of The Year Award.
We continue our pride and commitment toward our major humanitarian project; our Fishing Dock for seniors residing within care centres and individuals with disabilities. Our local Board and Chapter members have contributed in excess of 900 volunteer hours toward the operation and maintenance of the dock this year. Over the summer months we have been very fortunate to have a variety of user groups visit the dock, with some senior groups travelling from two hours away to visit our facility and enjoy the benefits it has to offer. We were also pleased to host a group of inner city youth from the Boyle Street Centre in Edmonton. In total this summer we have had over 200 individuals visit the dock!
In support of SCIFs missions on a global scale, our Chapter was extremely pleased to be involved in the delivery of numerous Blue Bags this past year. One was sent to Colombia, two to Africa, and two others were sent again through our affiliation with Hearts of Lushoto, which is a local community organization we have partnered with for a number of years.
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and providing our youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, we facilitated a youth hunter training program in April 2015. This course was offered free of charge to youth 12 to 17 years of age, with 8 youth participants and 3 volunteers from our Board of Directors participating.
The Drayton Valley Chapter of Safari Club International is very proud to continue their support of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP). Over the past year we maintained our current commitment to the program by way of supporting needed upgrades to current school participants kits. We also provided a kit to the Holy Trinity school and look forward to them coming on board this school year! Of significant mention is our involvement in the coordination of the 2015 NASP Provincial Shoot right here in Drayton Valley in partnership with the Brazeau Bowbenders and AHEIA. This shoot saw over 900+ youth archers congregate at the Omniplex over a four day period. It was an amazing event and we look forward to continued involvement in hosting the 2016 Provincial Shoot! Drayton Valley is easily on its way to being one of the most involved and recognized NASP communities in Alberta. Since its inception our Chapter has committed in excess of $80,000 toward the NASP program. It is our hope that this program brings a new level of enjoyment to those students who may not have had the chance to shoot target archery equipment, and that our local youth’s participation in the program may spark an enjoyment for the outdoors and all that it has to offer! Our goal is that this outdoor educational opportunity will impact children for years to come and raise awareness for Safari Club International and its educational efforts. The NASP Program is a great addition to our educational system and we hope it brings great enjoyment to all involved!
Over the past year our conservation efforts have focused on the Woodland Caribou which are on the federally listed species at risk. Our focal point on this project has been within the Willamore/Hinton area. In addition we have financially supported the Safari Club International Foundation in their efforts to safeguard hunter rights and champion wildlife conservation and outdoor education projects on a global scale.
To you, our members and supporters we thank you for your many contributions. It is your commitment and support of the SCI Drayton Valley Chapter that has contributed to the accomplishments that have been achieved. If you are not yet a member of SCI, please do consider joining SCI tonight to help the only organization that willprotect your freedom to hunt.

Our Chapter 2013 - 2014 Achievements
We continue our pride and commitment toward our major humanitarian project; our Fishing Dock for seniors residing within care centres and individuals with disabilities. Our local Board and Chapter members have contributed in excess of 900 volunteer hours toward the operation and maintenance of the dock. Over the summer months we were very fortunate to have a variety of user groups visit the dock, with some seniors groups travelling from two hours away to visit our facility and enjoy the benefits it has to offer. In total we had over 250+ individuals visit the dock! In addition, we hosted a day of fishing, in conjunction with Cabelas Edmonton, for a group of underprivileged inner city children from the Crystal Kids Youth Centre. These children hadn’t experienced the opportunity to go fishing or for some even enjoy a peaceful day in the great outdoors. It was an amazing and rewarding experience and we look forward to partnering with Cabelas again in hosting more inner city children in the years to come.
In support of SCIFs missions on a global scale, our Chapter was extremely pleased to be involved in the delivery of four Blue Bags this past year. One was sent to a children’s school in Cuba by the MacGregor family, one to a village in Africa through the "Feel the Rush" TV Show, while two others were sent again through our affiliation with Hearts of Lushoto, which is a local community organization we have partnered with for a number of years.
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and providing our youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, we facilitated a youth hunter training program in May 2014 within our community of Drayton Valley free of charge to youth 12 to 17 years of age, with 10 youth participants and (3) volunteers from our Board of Directors.
The Drayton Valley Chapter of Safari Club International is very proud to continue their support of the National Archery in Schools Program (NASP). In addition to our initial $40,000 contribution we have continued our endeavors in support of this beneficial program by way of providing NASP kits to the Warburg and Fullam schools bringing the number of schools offering the program to ten (10). St. Anthony’s school was also provided additional bows and gear for their active team! We also partnered with the Brazeau Bowbenders in sponsoring the Provincial shoot in Edmonton in 2014. This included the provision of SCI Drayton Valley T-shirts to the youth participating in the shoot from the schools in which we have provided NASP kits to, and the provision of busing to the event. We also partnered with the Brazeau Bowbenders in facilitating a Youth Fun Shoot in the summer. Youth from the schools were invited to participate in the fun shoot where they were provided the opportunity to target shoot and then head out onto the 3D archery range; for many this was their first experience 3D shooting. The SCI Drayton Valley Chapter also provided grab bags for the event and sponsored the lunch. We were also a proud supporter of the Alberta Bow Hunters Association Provincial Shoot held in conjunction with the Brazeau Bowbenders at their range this past summer. Our purpose for being there was to increase awareness of Safari Club International and the SCI Drayton Valley Chapter.

Our Chapter took pride in reaching out to our community with helping hands this year as we undertook a shopping excursion that resulted in us obtaining in excess of $1,500 in needed merchandise and toys for our local Santa’s Anonymous as they were in dire need of supplies to meet the needs of local families reaching out for this support. In addition, we also provided a $1,000 monetary donation to our local area Food Bank who was in desperate need to replenish their shelves during the Christmas season in order to meet the community demands of underprivileged families. Our Chapter also contributed $5,000 toward the Drayton Valley Health Services Foundation CT4DV (Cat Scan) Campaign, $1,000 to the Evergreen Gun Club for target maintenance and assistance with building a new shooting shack, and lastly $1,000 toward the Drayton Valley elementary schools hot lunch program.
To you, our members and supporters we thank you for your contributions. It is your commitment to the Chapter that has contributed to the accomplishments that have been achieved.
Our Chapter 2012 - 2013 Achievements
In the previous year our Chapter worked in partnership with other SCI Canada Chapters on a Wounded Warriors Program initiative where we contributed $500 toward the cause to send two wounded soldiers on an Alberta Whitetail Hunt.
In support of SCI’s Lion’s Defense Fund strategy, our Chapter was honored to contribute $5,000 toward this Find at the SCI Convention in Reno.
We continue our pride and commitment toward our major humanitarian project; our Fishing Dock for seniors residing within care centres and individuals with disabilities. Our local Board and Chapter members have contributed in excess of 900 volunteer hours toward the operation and maintenance of the dock this year. Over the summer months we have been very fortunate to have a variety of user groups visit the dock, with some senior groups travelling from two hours away to visit our facility and enjoy the benefits it has to offer. In total this summer we have had over 200 individuals visit the dock!
In support of SCIF’s missions on a global scale, our Chapter was extremely pleased to be involved in the delivery of three Blue Bags this past year. One was sent to a children’s hospital in Haiti while two others were sent again through our affiliation with Hearts of Lushoto, which is a local community organization we have partnered with for a number of years.
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and providing our youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, we facilitated a youth hunter training program in April 2013 within our community of Drayton Valley free of charge to youth 17 years of age and under, with 13 youth participants and (3) volunteers from our Board of Directors.
The Drayton Valley Chapter of Safari Club International is very proud to continue their support of the National Archery in Schools Programs (NASP). Over the past year we provided financial support to train 18 local teachers. 450 students participated in the program over the last school year which is offered in seven (7) local schools. Drayton Valley is easily on its way to being one of the most involved and recognized NASP communities in Alberta. This upcoming year we will also be working with another local school in obtaining an archery kit. In the past year our Chapter committed $40,000 toward the NASP program. It is our hope that this program brings a new level of enjoyment to those student who may not have had the chance to shoot target archery equipment, and that our local youth’s participation in the program may spark an enjoyment for the outdoors and all that it has to offer! Our goal is that this outdoor educational opportunity will impact children for years to come and raise awareness for Safari Club International and its educational efforts. The NASP Program is a great addition to our education system and we hope it brings great enjoyment to all involved!

We also undertook some publicity initiatives this year that brought SCI awareness to the forefront. This included a local billboard advertising campaign. The objectives of this billboard was to raise awareness of SCI within the community and as a whole, to direct individuals to the SCI website, and to promote a good image of hunting and family in the outdoors.
Over the past year our conservation projects have focused on the collaring of two (2) black bears to study their numbers in our area, their range area, and to monitor their direct link with the mortality of moose and elk calves. In addition we also supported the collaring of otters to determine the impact they have on the fishery within our Alberta Rivers.
We thank all of our members and supporters for your part in aiding us to achieve these goals. We look forward with anticipation as to what the year ahead with holds for SCI – Drayton Valley Chapter.
We continue our pride and commitment toward our major humanitarian project; our Fishing Dock for seniors residing within care centres and individuals with disabilities. Our local Board and Chapter members contributed in excess of 800 volunteer hours toward the operation and maintenance of the dock this year. Over the summer months we have been very fortunate to have a variety of user groups visit the dock, with some seniors groups travelling from two hours away to visit our facility and enjoy the benefits it has to offer. In total this summer we have had over 325 individuals visit the dock!
In support of SCIFs missions on a global scale, our Chapter was extremely pleased to be involved in the delivery of five Blue Bags this past year to Africa with much needed supplies being provided to village schools and orphanages. Two of these bags were sent through Hearts of Lushoto, which is a local community organization we have partnered with for a number of years. Our Chapter provided the funding to obtain the necessary supplies to fill the bags while a group of medical professionals associated with the Hearts of Lushoto delivered the bags on our behalf!
As part of our commitment to sustain our hunting heritage and providing our youth the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, we held our biggest youth hunter training program to date from April 26th to the 29th, 2012 within our community of Drayton Valley free of charge to youth 17 years of age and under, with 30 youth participants and (4) volunteers from our Board of Directors. In addition, we also created a hunter training program for women this year with five (5) ladies going through the course.

We also undertook some publicity initiatives this year that brought SCI awareness to the forefront. This included a local billboard advertising campaign. The objective of this billboard was to raise awareness of SCI within the community and as a whole, to direct individuals to the SCI website, and to promote a good image of hunting and family in the outdoors. In addition, SCI Drayton Valley was in Edmonton, Alberta, where five Board members volunteered their time to set-up and man an SCI booth at Hunt Fest which is the largest hunting show in Western Canada. Our goal was to put SCI in the limelight and promote SCI to those who may be interested in joining or those who have never heard of the good works of Safari Club International.
We thank all of our members and supporters for your part in aiding us to achieve these goals. We look forward with anticipation as to what the year ahead with hold for the SCI – Drayton Valley Chapter.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The successful completion of our humanitarian project was recognized with an official ribbon cutting ceremony held on September 25, 2010 with MLA Diana McQueen, Mayor Moe Hamdon, Brazeau County Councillor Bob Kitching, SCI Canada Representatives Bob Valcov and Jason St. Michael, SCI Senior Auctioneer Les Ohlhauser, Dena Enyedy, Drayton Valley Hospital & Care Centre Continuing Care Manager, and SCI - Drayton Valley Chapter Board of Directors in attendance. It was through the support of our members and the community at large that we were able to attain our goal. We thank all of you for your support and encouragement.

Thank you to everyone
who made this possible.
View the video here or by visiting

(Pictured at left) Left to right: Barb Ness, Dena Enyedy (Drayton Valley Hospital Continuing Care Manager), Charity Malka, Everett Ness, Darryl Antoniak, Shawna St. Michael, Bill Davie, Les Ohlhauser (SCI Senior Auctioneer), Chris Kitching, Jason St. Michael (SCI Canada Field Coordinator), Jim Malka, Bob Kitching, Mayor Moe Hamdon, Coby Mahan, Jamie St. Michael, MLA Diana McQueen, Bob Valcov (SCI Canada Director)